In case you're waffling...

While wandering the streets in Brussels, it's likely that you will be greeted with the sweet scent of freshly baked waffles. (And no, it smells NOTHING like Eggo waffles people.) Admittedly, this was one many things that I couldn't wait to try.  Imagine my surprise when I went to order my first "Belgian" waffle to find out that these don't exist.  Yes, stay with me here. There are two types of waffles:  The Brussels and the Liege.  The Brussels Waffle is usually light and crisp with larger pockets to contain the delicious accouterments.  These are typically served warm and dusted with powdered sugar. The Liege Waffle (which is reminiscent of what you see at ski resorts) is typically richer in taste and more dense in texture.  Often times you will find sugary pearls caramelized on the outside.  

Contrary to what Americans are used to, waffles are not typically served for breakfast in Belgium. Nor are the swimming in butter or maple syrup.

Being the food enthusiast that I am, I was on the hunt for the perfect waffle. Gang, I have two places that you won't want to miss. 

Maison Dandoy:  Famous for their delicious Speculoos, Maison Dandoy also serves a variety of pastries, cakes and of course, waffles.  I perused the menu and decided I would have a Brussels waffle topped with caramel sauce and lightly kissed with powdered sugar.  Of course, waffle consumption would not be complete without a latte.  I completely loved my waffle, but the best part of my visit to Maison Dandoy was the chat with the guy behind the counter.  While he provided a bit of guidance down the waffle path, he was more concerned with getting his day started right. I asked how he made sure he did that... and his response... A little bit of Boyz II Men.  Seriously dying.... :)

Mokcafe:  Located in the midst of the Galeries Royal Saint-Hubert, this is a perfect place to pop into, grab a coffee and find a moment of relaxation.  Not only do they have amazing waffles but some of the best people watching around. Literally, I could have sat for hours sipping coffee, reading a book and noshing on my waffle.  This time I went the more decadent route ordering a waffle topped with various fruits and whipped cream.  Crispiness and creaminess all in one bite!  

Stop waffling and do yourself a favor, pop into one of these places while you are in Brussels. Even if Brussels isn't on your list, this is something easy and fun you could totally pull off at home and it can be as healthy or decadent as you like. 

Until next time!